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SEOPress - How to Add Blog Post Schema to WordPress

Asheville SEO Ninja

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Option 1: Manual Blog Post Schema

Step 1: Finish The Blog Post, Page Title & Description

  • After you finish creating your blog post
  • And have filled out the Title & Meta Description

Step 2: Select "Article"

  • Click on “Structured Data Types”
  • Click the dropdown below “Select your data type”
  • Select “Article”

Step 3: Select the Article Type

  • Under “Select your article type” Choose the best fit

          (in this example it is a “Tech Article”)

Step 4: Add the "Headline"

  • For the “Headline” copy & paste the Page Title

Step 5: Choose an Image

  • For the “Image” click “Upload an Image” & select or upload an image

*Optional - Start & End Information

  • If the blog post is covering a live event, fill out the “Coverage Start & End” information*

Step 6: Test the Schema

  • Update the post
  • After the post is updated, click “Validate my schema”
  • This will open Google’s “Structured Data Testing Tool”

Step 7: Check the Accuracy

  • Click the “Article Type” you selected earlier
  • Double check to make sure all the information is accurate

SEO Tips:

Use a Different or Varied H1 & Page Title

The two should reference each other and be accurate to the content of the post or page while giving you enough wiggle room to target variations of Long Tail Keywords.

The Relationship Between Your H1 & Page Title

Answer the Search Intent and create a simple context bridge for Google. The topic of the search is “Schema,” they want to know “How to…” but the answer requires “SEOPress.”

The Page’s H1

In this post, for example. I am positioning multiple Seed Keywords on the page’s H1 so that Google will likely see the niche, content, and context as:

  • The niche first “SEOPress”
  • Then the Searcher’s Intent “How to Add Blog Post Schema”
  • Then supporting/reinforcing context that Google will most likely understand “to WordPress”


The Page’s Title

For this post’s Page Title, I focused on The Searcher’s Intent fist. They want to know:

  • How to do something “Add Blog Post Schema”
  • On something “WordPress”
  • With something “SEOPress”

Ideally, this will directly answer someone’s question the moment they see it in a SERP (Search Engine Results Page) and give them confidence the page will answer their question.


The Page’s Meta Description

The Meta Description is your sales pitch, a brief summary of what the person should expect when they click the link. Your goal should be to increase the CTR (Click Through Rate). How you do this is the same as with any sales pitch, boost confidence, and make it the answer they are looking for.